Power and Waveforms

Category: Getting Started


Its not all about Power

Power seems to be a major target for many people when purchasing an e-stim unit, but without the understanding of how power relates to play it is difficult to ensure you get the most out of any unit. Units that quote a straight power output such as 80mA are generally TENS based units that give no indication how the generated  waveform actually provides the sensation of power delivery. Like a racing car, power is not just down to horse power  but is related to how it is delivered.

The 2B is considered to be a powerful unit, but if you want even more power, then consider the optional power supply, which will give you around 30% more than battery alone.

Modes for Variety

The 2B has number program modes designed for pleasure and stronger sensations. Don't be surprised if the modes don't give you want you straight away. Nothing ever everything works for everyone, at least on the default settings, so experiment. Because of the way we have designed the wave forms, not every mode will provide you with sensation at the same point, nor will every mode give you the sensation that someone else feels, even with the same settings. E-Stim is a complex subject almost like an art form for many, and it can take practice to find our what you enjoy. Enjoy the journey.


Waveforms created for Sensation

E-Stim interacts with the nervous system of the body in order to provide a sensation. This means that the nature of the waveform is crucial, providing maximum sensation to the nerves, but with a reduced amount of energy that can cause heating and damage to underlying tissues. All E-Stim Systems devices utilise AC based wave forms so there is no issues with DC causing tissue damage, and the waveforms are developed to maximise the sensation as effectively as possible. 


All of our modes have some control over feel. Feel adjusts portions of the waveform to give to a difference in feel, from soft and spiky at one end, to harsh and hard at the other. The choice is down to you.

Power Control

Power delivery depends on the unit itself, the power source (using a 2B with a power supply with give an increased sensation of power), the Levels set, the settings of the adjustments, the current mode, Box level, output map, electrodes used and electrode positioning. All of these elements combine to give you a wide range of sensation from a tickle up to and beyond a hard throbbing pulse.

Power Levels

The 2B operates in 3 main power settings, with each level having a 0-100% setting. Low Power, is the default, High Power exists for more experienced players and Dynamic Power gives the benefit of both, but with a lessened control range, with the power output determined by the Channel Settings. For more details on the Power Systems follow the Power Systems Link


Output Maps

As well as the Power Level (Low, High and Dynamic), the 2B has a series of Output Maps. These user selectable maps give even more variety to the output of a 2B. more details on the output map system can be found in the Output Maps section.